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Interacting with the Wallet

Wallet interaction is possible only in the browser, because NEAR's Wallet is web-based.

Most frequent action is Sign In. Your user is redirected to the Wallet page to authorize your application. Once the user has Signed In, an access key is saved in browser's LocalStorage. All following actions that require the access key will be allowed. In case a user needs to authorize a transaction that has a deposit attached, your user will be automatically redirected to the Wallet again.

Creating Wallet Connection​

In Wallet connection you use a LocalStorage KeyStore.

const { connect, keyStores, WalletConnection } = nearAPI;

const connectionConfig = {
networkId: "testnet",
keyStore: new keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore(),
nodeUrl: "",
walletUrl: "",
helperUrl: "",
explorerUrl: "",

// connect to NEAR
const nearConnection = await connect(connectionConfig);

// create wallet connection
const walletConnection = new WalletConnection(nearConnection);

Module browserConnect     Class WalletConnection

Ask your user to Sign In​

You first create a WalletConnection, and then call requestSignIn. This will redirect the current page to the Wallet authentication page. You can configure success and failure redirect URLs.

This action creates an access key that will be stored in the browser's local storage. You can optionally list methodNames you want to allow for the access key. If you don't specify methodNames or pass an empty array, then all methods are allowed to be called (the access key will be created with permissions to call all methods).

// const walletConnection = new WalletConnection(nearConnection);
contractId: "example-contract.testnet.REPLACE_ME",
methodNames: [], // optional
successUrl: "REPLACE_ME://.com/success", // optional redirect URL on success
failureUrl: "REPLACE_ME://.com/failure", // optional redirect URL on failure

Method WalletConnection.requestSignIn


Sign In is not required if you are using an alternative key store to local storage, or you are not signing transactions (meaning - you are only calling read-only view methods on a contract)

Sign Out your user​

// const walletConnection = new WalletConnection(nearConnection);

Method WalletConnection.signOut

Check if Signed In​

// const walletConnection = new WalletConnection(nearConnection);
if (walletConnection.isSignedIn()) {
// user is signed in

Method WalletConnection.isSignedId

Get Wallet Account​

Get the Account your user has signed in with in the Wallet.

Get Account ID (as string)​

// const walletConnection = new WalletConnection(nearConnection);
const walletAccountId = walletConnection.getAccountId();

Method WalletConnection.getAccountId

Get Account Object​

// const walletConnection = new WalletConnection(nearConnection);
const walletAccountObj = walletConnection.account();

Method WalletConnection.account     Class ConnectedWalletAccount

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