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FastAuth SDK

FastAuth is a key management system that allows users to recover or sign-up for a NEAR account using their email address. Furthermore, it allows to subsidize gas for a certain smart contract, so users can interact with it without having to fund their account.

FastAuth Componentsโ€‹

FastAuth is comprised of 3 main elements:

  1. FastAuth Signer App: A module that allow FastAuth users to sign transactions.
  2. MPC Recovery Service: A service to create and restore user accounts, as well as signing transactions on behalf of the user.
  3. Transaction Relayer: A server that relays transactions to the NEAR network on behalf of the user.

Setting up Firebaseโ€‹

Create a projectโ€‹

  • Go to Firebase
  • Create or sign in to an account
  • Go to "Get started", then "Add project"
  • Call this project my-fastauth-issuer
  • Disable Google Analytics (recommended)
  • Click on "Create project"

Set up passwordless authenticationโ€‹

  • Go to "Authentication", then "Get started", and "Add new provider"
  • Enable "Email/Password" and "Email link (passwordless sign-in)"
  • Hit "Save"

Add user device information to Firestoreโ€‹

  • Return to "Project Overview"
  • Go to "Cloud Firestore", then "Create database"
  • Select "Start in production mode", then "Next"
  • Select your preferred location, then "Enable"
  • Go to the "Rules" tab
  • Change the rules to the following:
rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /users/{userId}/{document=**} {
allow create, read, update, delete: if request.auth != null && request.auth.uid == userId;
match /publicKeys/{publicKey} {
allow create, delete: if request.auth != null;
allow read : if true;
allow update: if false;
  • Hit "Publish"
  • Go to the "Data" tab
  • Click on "Start collection"
  • Set the Collection ID to users and hit "Next"
  • Add a Document ID of root and press "Save"
  • Click on "Start collection"
  • Set the Collection ID to publicKeys and hit "Next"
  • Add a Document ID of root and press "Save"

Get the application credentialsโ€‹

  • Press the gear button next to "Project Overview", and go to "Project settings"
  • Under "Your apps", click on the </> button
  • Set the app nickname as issuer-gcp and hit "Register app"
  • You should see the code needed for initialization and authentication of Firestore, such as:
// Import the functions you need from the SDKs you need
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";

// TODO: Add SDKs for Firebase products that you want to use
// Your web app's Firebase configuration

const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "apikey",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "my-fastauth-issuer-123",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "12345678910",
appId: "1:12345678910:web:12345678910"

// Initialize Firebase
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

Setting up your relayerโ€‹

Setting up a NEAR accountโ€‹

First ensure that cargo is installed on your local machine. Try rustup if you haven't already installed it.

cargo install near-cli-rs
near account create-account fund-later use-auto-generation save-to-folder ~/.near-credentials/implicit

This should output something like:

The file "~/.near-credentials/implicit/275f14eecb0afcb1f46f2b71b7933afd2de6d4ae8b08e9b11fc538a5a81406b7.json" was saved successfully

In this example. 275f14eecb0afcb1f46f2b71b7933afd2de6d4ae8b08e9b11fc538a5a81406b7 is your funded account. We'll refer to this as $FUNDED_ACCOUNT from now on.

Send some NEAR to this address.

This account has been created with one key. However, due to this, you should create an account with N keys where N is the number of requests you expect to get in a second, at peak load.

To generate an additional key, run the following command:

near account add-key $FUNDED_ACCOUNT grant-full-access autogenerate-new-keypair save-to-keychain network-config mainnet sign-with-access-key-file ~/.near-credentials/implicit/$FUNDED_ACCOUNT.json send

Deploying the relayerโ€‹

Run the following command:

git clone

Go to config.toml and change:

network = "mainnet"
num_keys = 3 # correlates to the number of keys in `keys_filenames`. Will be optional in the future.
relayer_account_id = "$FUNDED_ACCOUNT"
keys_filenames = [
# The original account

# Other keys you've optionally created. This will allow rotating through each key as to avoid nonce races.

Optionally, if you need to generate additional access keys for the $FUNDED_ACCOUNT, run the following command N times. Note that this will create keys for implicit accounts, but we'll then tie them to $FUNDED_ACCOUNT.

near generate-key
near add-key $FUNDED_ACCOUNT exampleImplicitPublicKeyCxg2wgFYrdLTEkMu6j5D6aEZqTb3kXbmJygS48ZKbo1S

Then run:

docker compose up

You should do this on a VM server of your choice. We will refer to the URL of this VM as $RELAYER_URL from now on.

Setting up the frontendโ€‹

Deploying the signer appโ€‹

  • Go to GCP's Cloud Run console and press "Create Service".
  • In the field "Container image URL", paste nearprotocol/fast-auth-sdk-frontend:latest.
  • Under Container(s), Volumes, Networking, Security set Container port to 80
  • Go to the "Container, Networking, Security" fold out and then "Environment Variables"
  • Click on "Add Variable"
  • Set the following environment variables from the firebaseConfig you generated earlier.
NETWORK_ID:                           'mainnet',
FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID: 'my-fastauth-issuer-123',
FIREBASE_APP_ID: '1:12345678910:web:12345678910',

Alternatively if you're doing a testnet deployment, do:

NETWORK_ID:                           'testnet',
FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID_TESTNET: 'my-fastauth-issuer-123',
FIREBASE_APP_ID_TESTNET: '1:12345678910:web:12345678910',
  • Click on "Create Application"
  • Then, inside your app's control panel copy the app's URL, such as We will refer to the deploy URL as $WALLET_URL.

Authorizing a domain on Firebaseโ€‹

  • Go back to the Firebase Console
  • Go to "Authentication" in the sidebar, and then the "Settings" tab
  • Click on the "Authorized domains" menu item
  • Add $WALLET_URL to the list

Deploying your application frontendโ€‹

First, install the @near-js/iframe-rpc package from the NPM registry.

import { setupFastAuthWallet } from 'near-fastauth-wallet';
import { setupWalletSelector } from '@near-wallet-selector/core';

// Initialize wallet selector
const selector = setupWalletSelector({
network: networkId,
modules: [
relayerUrl: "$RELAYER_URL",
walletUrl: "$WALLET_URL"

// EITHER setup onClick function for login
const onCLick = () => selector.then((selector: any) => selector.wallet('fast-auth-wallet'))
.then((fastAuthWallet: any) =>
contractId: "$CONTRACT_ID",
isRecovery: true,

// OR setup onClick function for login
const onCLick = () => selector.then((selector: any) => selector.wallet('fast-auth-wallet'))
.then((fastAuthWallet: any) =>
contractId: "$CONTRACT_ID",
isRecovery: false,

Whenever the user tries to login, call onClick.

Getting added to the MPC recovery serviceโ€‹

As a last step, we'll need to add your app to our MPC recovery service. To get added, please send us your $FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID, $RELAYER_API_KEY and $RELAYER_URL through this form.

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